
Play Futoshiki Puzzles Online

Site Information

This site offers Futoshiki randomly-generated puzzles on 6 board sizes and 4 difficulty levels.

Popularity-wise, we're pretty well known. Every day we host over 1000 users that are enjoying their games with us.

Author Information

My name is Vlad Dascalu. I'm the original creator of this site. I have created my first browser-based online game in 1997.

I'm passionate about puzzles and board games. When I find an interest at the intersection of those two areas, I end up pretty immersed into it (like it is the case for this site).

Currently, this site is operated by Beetux Software SRL, an EU based company owned by me and incorporated in the country of Romania.

Contact Information

Although I cannot assist with questions pertaining to individual puzzles, any feedback about the overall look and feel of the site is more than welcomed.

You can contact me at v@d9.ro .

Play Futoshiki

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